Driving A Forklift Requires a Licence but that Licence Has Some Requirements Of Its Own

Whether you use a forklift every day or just occasionally, you are required by law to be properly licensed with a HRW (High Risk Work) Licence, which we will call a forklift licence for simplicity. For those drivers who have an up to date forklift licence, you will be able to use it without renewing for five years; however, for those who have almost reached their licence expiry date or want to reobtain their licence after it has expired, a forklift refresher course is the way to go!

What if my forklift licence expired?

If you have allowed your forklift licence to expire and it has been less than 12 months from the expiry date, you can contact SafeWork NSW (or the equivalent organisation in your state), who will help you renew it. If it has been more than 12 months though, you will have to complete the forklift course again. It is also important to update your licence if you haven’t done so since HRW legislation changed on 1st January 2013.

What does the refresher course consist of?

The goal of this refresher course is to assess your skills to ensure you are still competent to operate a forklift. Your course will begin with some pre-study assessment and training, which will allow the course providers to see what level you’re at. This is followed by some theory work and some practical lessons, where you’ll get hands-on experience in the forklift. After your training, you’ll be assessed for your skills and knowledge to ensure you are competent.

At ACE Forklift Training, a refresher course generally runs for about three to four hours, so you can learn what you need to know in a simple, half day session. ACE courses are completely up to date and cover all current regulations and legislation, ensuring that you or your employees are operating machinery with the most updated training and knowledge.
How do I receive my licence?

After completing your forklift refresher course and passing the test, you just need to order your licence card through Australia Post. This incurs a forklift licence fee of $67. The all-inclusive forklift refresher courses at ACE Forklift Training https://thecasinoapps.com/bitcoin.html are also very affordable at $121 per person (or $100 per person when you organise a group of five or more) but when you consider that this fee renews your licence for five years at a cost of only $24.20 per year, it is well worth it.

If you are interested in more information on this refresher course please click here.