It doesn’t take a lot of common sense to identify the obvious hazards present on a typical

warehouse floor, but there are plenty of hidden hazards that might not be so obvious. These

hazards could injure (or worse) a forklift driver if they aren’t identified and avoided, so it’s

always a great idea to perform a warehouse hazards assessment and implement a

warehouse safety checklist and hazards list, which can be easily viewed and checked off by

those using forklifts.

This warehouse hazards list should be easy to read, give instructions clearly and should also

contain relevant warehouse safety topics that explain to the reader how to stay safe in

general, rather than just explaining the hazards. If possible, this list should be implemented

at the same time as holding a staff meeting that drives home the importance of safety. A

warehouse safety ppt presentation is often a great and simple way of conveying this


You should begin your warehouse hazards/safety checklist by first determining which

factors contribute to forklift accidents. Both procedural and physical hazards should be

identified by category, then a safety list made to ensure these hazards are mitigated. Here is

an example to get you started:

Warehouse Hazards Checklist and Assessment Tool

Organisational-based hazards

These include factors on the level of the company/business that may cause hazards. These

might include:

Behavioural / Operational Hazards

Behavioural and operational hazards can be caused by the driver of the forklift. They


Physical Workplace Hazards

These are the physical hazards that may be present within the workplace and may include:

Load hazards

Load hazards refer to the dangers that may be present when loading and unloading the

forklift. These may include:

Forklift-based Hazards

The forklift itself can cause hazards and these may include:

Hazards from Other People

In a shared space, people may cause hazards. These include:

From this example, a safety checklist can now be made, listing the steps that need to be

taken prior to use of forklifts. For a more detailed understanding of forklift hazards and

safety, ACE Forklift Training Centre is always on hand to help you train safely. We can come

to your workplace premises and take four or more people through training, leaving you with

highly competent and safety-aware forklift drivers. Contact us for more information on

obtaining a forklift licence for you or your employees.